Edit Personal Info
Once you are logged in to the 3Ccard Dashboard, click on the Welcome button (the button that greets you with your name) at the top of the page. A dropdown list will appear after you clicked the button. Choose ‘Profile‘.

On the Profile page, you can edit your name and email at the Personal Info section.
Did you notice that there is a missing image at the Welcome button in the image above? To fix that, you can also choose to upload your preferred image at the Personal Info section.
Once edited, remember to click on the Save Change button. Voila! Your Welcome button is now updated with a new name and image.

Change Password
To change your login password, go to the Profile page and scroll down to the Change Password section.
Enter your current and new passwords. Remember to click on the Save Change button.
Bear in mind that if you have changed your email and password, you will need to use them to log in to the dashboard next time instead of the previous email and password.

Reset Password
If you have forgotten your password, you will not be allowed to change your password via the 3Ccard Dashboard.
To reset your password, click on the ‘Forgot Your Password‘ link on the login page. Then, enter your registered email address. We will send a link for you to reset your password.